“Begin the journey of faith. It is the adventure of a lifetime! It is a journey with
mountaintops and valleys, with joys and challenges, but it is an adventure where you will never be alone. You will find that God is faithful. And though the journey may be filled with challenges, God will help you grow in faith and promise through God’s eternal power and purpose. Allow faith in God to transform you as you follow in the footsteps of Moses from bondage to promise. Moses did not shrink back from fear facing Pharaoh or the demands of leadership. As he faced each new challenge, he grew in faith and leadership. We, too, can grow in faith and life as we face challenges and commit to a life following God’s purpose and promise. Moses followed the fire. Moses was called from the fire of the burning bush. The pillar of fire led Moses and the Hebrew children through the wilderness. The fiery trials of the desert worked to forge stronger faith and character in the Israelites that would one day help them take the Promised Land. Come spend 40 days in the footsteps of one of the greatest leaders of all times. Learn the lessons of life and leadership God taught Moses. Draw close to the fire. Hear the still small voice of God tugging you to new vistas of faith and new challenges of life and service. As you journey with Moses, allow the Master Craftsman to form and fashion you. God will purify and refine you through fire; then strengthen you for service in the heat of the fiery kiln. You will find chains are broken, seas are parted, water is provided in the desert, and battles are won--because God is faithful. Trust God. Life is an adventure. Grab your staff and follow the fire!” (excerpt page 19-20)
Dr TJ Jenney, PhDDr. T. J. Jenney, Ph.D. is a seasoned pastor and leader who has served churches as well as served as a campus minister and chaplain for police and fire departments as well as the Air Force Auxiliary. Dr. Jenney also served as a faculty member at Purdue University, serving as an adjunct professor in Organizational Leadership. His experience includes serving as a president and CEO of non-profit organizations. He holds a Ph.D. in Educational Psychology and Higher Education Administration from Purdue and an M.Div and an S.T.M. from Yale University. He served as a contributing editor of William B. Eerdmans Bible Dictionary (1989) and Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible (2000), as well as written articles for journals. Archives
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