Moses’ mother had a dream. Long before Moses had a dream of leading the people of God from slavery and oppression to freedom and promise, Moses’ mother had a dream that her child would live. Pharaoh had ordered a decree that all male Hebrew babies be killed. But Moses’ mother could not bear to kill her child. Knowing her own life as well as that of her family was in jeopardy from disobeying Pharaoh’s decree, she took a step of faith. She made a basket of reeds and waterproofed it by covering it with pitch, then put the baby in the basket and placed it on the edge of the Nile River. Unable to watch, she had Moses’ sister keep watch. The most amazing thing happened. Pharaoh’s daughter, saw the basket and had one of her entourage go and bring the basket and little baby to her. Her heart was touched by the small child. Moses’ sister seized the opportunity and went to Pharaoh’s daughter and asked her if she would like her to find a nursemaid for the child. She agreed, and unbeknown to Pharaoh’s daughter, it was Moses’ own mother. Moses’ mother would now have the chance to tutor him in the ways of the Hebrew God in the very household of Pharaoh. Perhaps it was Moses’ mother who planted the seed in Moses that would one day become the dream blessed by God to lead the Hebrews from slavery and oppression to freedom and promise.
God wants us to dream great dreams--dreams that use our gifts and talents to serve God and others. Take time to listen to your heart and see the needs of the world around you. Dream great dreams that will serve others and glorify God, and never underestimate the importance of instilling a dream in others, especially our children. Blessings –Dr. TJ
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Dr TJ Jenney, PhDDr. T. J. Jenney, Ph.D. is a seasoned pastor and leader who has served churches as well as served as a campus minister and chaplain for police and fire departments as well as the Air Force Auxiliary. Dr. Jenney also served as a faculty member at Purdue University, serving as an adjunct professor in Organizational Leadership. His experience includes serving as a president and CEO of non-profit organizations. He holds a Ph.D. in Educational Psychology and Higher Education Administration from Purdue and an M.Div and an S.T.M. from Yale University. He served as a contributing editor of William B. Eerdmans Bible Dictionary (1989) and Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible (2000), as well as written articles for journals. Archives
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